Frequently Asked Questions
In no particular order…
“How Can I Support Muntjac?”
Buy or Subscribe to the magazine. [KO-FI]
Write for us. [SUBMISSIONS PAGE]
Distribute our publications and tell us about it.
Let’s collaborate, if you’re a group of global majority anti-authoritarians and you want support for your project, we’re all ears.
Join us, we can allways use more hands / hooves.
“Why Call It ‘Muntjac’?”
The Muntjac deer is an (adorable) “Invasive Species” of deer to Britain, brought here from the colonies by some rich fuck heads who wanted to shoot them for fun and they escaped, just like us eh’.
“What does ‘4th World’ mean?”
We are still in a friendly debate about how wholeheartedly we embrace the term/concept but “Fourth world” can be defined as “Subpopulations existing in a First World country, but with the living standards of those in a third world, or developing country.” This piece I just ripped off verbatim does a better job of explaining.
“Are you *politically* Black?”
No, we feel that this had its historic use but it is no longer useful and we don’t identify with it. Several of us are, however, actually Black.
“Are you lot fuckin’ maoists or something?”
No, we are anarchists. We’re not nationalists or separatists either.
“Can white people read Muntjac?”
This is a fun one… We don’t care what white people do with the stuff we make, we expect other groups including white ones will want to print zines we make and that’s fine, white people can read or print the magazine too, no issues! Just we’d rather white people don’t make huge loads of money off of selling it and if you do, maybe give us some, as a treat?
“Can we republish content from Muntjac elsewhere?”
Yes, copyright isn’t real! Though please tell us when you do as our work getting shared makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Will you come to our event?”
Probably, we’re mostly London (England)-adjacent but we have love and will travel if the event sounds fun enough (or if the price is right and you have somewhere for us to sleep)
We also are intrested in doing stalls remotly, if you’ve got an event you want our stuff at but don’t think we can make it, we can send you a box of gear and a A4 sheet with a QR code and explainer.
“Do you do commissions?”
Yes, for writing it depends on the project so it’s best to email us with the brief first. There are several artists of different mediums in the project, we love doing art for projects we can relate to, get in touch.
“Will you review this book/zine/film?”
Probably, we’re all massive theory / art / culture nerds so we’d love it if people sent in new/unreleased content to us.
“Can we interview you?”
Yes, we love yapping.
“Can I Join Muntjac? How does it work?”
If you’re a working class (or lumpen) global majority anarchist writer, poet, graphics designer, website nerd, or artist… Yes!
(Sorry to global majority anarchists outside of those skill sets but we’ve had issues with people who just like the project enough that they wanna join the group chat and <3 emoji all the messages but little else)
There is no obligation to constantly contribute time to the project, however, running a periodical is a lot of work and if it gets left to one or two people they’ll get burnt out too and the project will die.. Some of us are ex-members of the UK’s many failed Black or Asian anarchist orgs and we know the pain of struggling against the grain and how it can feel exhausting but we want this to survive as we don’t want the struggle here framed entirely through the worldviews and imaginations of the whites.
As such, it’s polite to keep the rest of the group informed if you’re burnt out or need a break. We’ll remove you from the group if we don’t hear from you for a long time, though you can, of course, keep us updated to prevent this or re-apply afterwards. Most of us are ‘Activists’ in the sense that we’ve all witnessed and experienced the cycles of burnout though none of us are rich enough to day-job our way through that process.
The aim is to produce 3-4 issues of the magazine, in print format(s) per calendar year. This year, we should (in theory) publish 2 as we were late with our first issue in December of 2024. We will also try to produce as many zines and other publications we feel the urge to produce throughout the year.
We are an open group but joining requires you go through our onboarding process (we add you to a group chat and ask you loaded questions as a vibe check) but after that you’re one of the deer tbh.
We talk online via text message frequently and have 1 group audio call type meeting per issue of the magazine to review everything and prepare for the next one.
There’s no ‘leadership’, ‘central committee’ or ‘lead editor’, everyone just chips in depending on how much they can be bothered. We’re friends, we hang out, go for meals, go on hikes and support eachother with the struggles we’re facing as a group. We make our decisions collectively where possible (we don’t wait for full consensus to issue a refund, for example) and have a strict, zero tolerance policy for bullshit. Fuck with one of us, you’ve fucked with all of us.
To apply, send us an email about yourself, what you like doing and what you’d like to help us with to get started. It doesn’t matter what kind of anarchist you are, be that, Especifist, Syndicalist, Insurrecto, Nihlist, whatever, as long as you’re not a fuckin’ anarcho-terf.
One large stipulation is that due to the nature of the project (since it includes handling money & addresses), IRL direct action type shit needs to be arranged elsewhere, we have no intention of putting demos on as Muntjac as its an entirely different can of worms to making zines, media and a magazine. A long-term goal is a broader, more participatory project that is for a bigger group of Global Majority anarchists who are not members of the collective (a reading group, perhaps?) but we don’t have capacity at the time of writing.
P.S. We don’t demand new members tell us which race of specific ethnic group they’re in.