Free Sidiq!
Sidiq is an anarchist, illegalist and an individualist. On the 12th of July 2024, state authorities had arrested him for cannabis use and possession. He contributes to anarchist publishing and street libraries, involvement in soccer hooligan club, clashes in protests and a passion for writing poetry. Sidiq is looking at a possible 10 year prison term.
His support group are taking donations via paypal at;
You can write to Sidiq;
Muhammad Ilyas Sidiq
Lapas (prison) Kebonwaru, Kec.
Batununggal, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat
Sidiq is part of two publishing collectives; Contemplative Editions and Talas Press who publish anarchist books.
Contemplative Editions
Talas Press
Palang Hitam Anarkis
He also writes poetry, one is included below;
As long as power stands tall
and threatens the freedom of life.
I will not stop presenting
Rebellion like a robber making chaos
Incarnate pirates along the sea.
Until the rotten colonialists of civilization
will find no more loopholes
Until all is razed to the ground!
Muntjac Magazine Prisoner Solidarity Collective