After much delay, we are happy to announce issue 1 of our magazine is finally avalible!
Due to us being too broke to afford large format printing and there being so much text a singular zine would be too complex to bind we’ve done a pair of zines. The cover for the first is clippings from the 60s, 70s & 80s and the cover for the 2nd are from an uprising of South Asians against the police in Harehills, 2001.
Its avalible to download for free here muntjacmag.noblogs.org/mag/ and we them some for sale on our shop ko-fi.com/muntjacmag there are a few spots who’ve already asked to stock the magazine but if you want a bunch of copies please get in touch, we can’t produce huge quanities of the zine oursleves as we only have cheap non-commerical printers. So you’d like bulk copies (20+) get in touch and we’ll pass your message on to our distributor, Seditionist Distribution.
If you’d like to support us in the long run, consider subscribing;
There are three tiers, the first is just to send us a random amount of money (starting at £1) each month and in return you’ll have our eternal thanks. The second is you send us slightly more money (starting at £2.50) and in return you get each issue of the magazine as it comes out. The third is set at a slightly higher rate if you really adore us and have the cash to spend (starting at £8) then you’ll not only get the magazine but also any posters, flyers or other merch we make! [these rates are the same no matter what country you want things shipped to, with the UK subscribers subsidizing everyone else]
We will try our best to be as transparent as possible with the moneys we are gifted, a long term goal of ours is to eventually pay our authors, but that would require one hell of a lot of subscribers.
Wether or not we get paid, we will strive to keep this project going, even if we have to transfer ownership to another group of people.
Huge thanks to the writers who sent texts in but also to Clash! Collective, In The Belly and the many people who wouldn’t want us to put their names on a thank-you post for helping make this happen. We’ll be back in the spring! Keep in touch.
Muntjac Magazine.
A Quick Summary;
“On the forgotten so called race riot” – Sunwo speaks on the 1958 Nottingham pogroms and the resistance against it.
Micelio speaks on the union and the revolutionary potential that worker-led, independent communal unions hold
Marion Koshy writes about their entry and experience in the Houston Socialist Rifle Association, and what we collectively can learn from the SRA.
Simoun Magsalin charts a postcolonial anarchism that practices decoloniality without appropriating from indigenous peoples in the Philippines.
A Harrow Antifascist recounts Asian and Black community defence during the UK August race pogroms
Zhachev calls for a rejection of any attempt to demonise or ostracise militant radicals
p.n writes about their experience in a creative residency and the importance of artists being principled (and fiercely anti-zionist).
Ektin Ekdo asks an important question; are we fighting to be part of british society or to destroy it?
naga discusses the reactionary strains of politics that undergird community self-defence around the identities of East and South East Asians in Britain
Sunwo writes against black britishness as an identity, rather searching for a borderless revolutionary blackness.
poet of da soil writes a poem political manifesto on fourth worldism in britain.