The Sudanese Anarchist Gathering formed in 2018 during the December Revolution. They are a group of young men and women that met during demonstrations and in universities despite political repression against student organising.
We have prepared a zine of texts by sudanese anarchists which can be downloaded for free or ordered from our ko-fi, with proceeds being donated to the Sudanese Anarchsit Gathering.
If you are an org or group of friends who want to put on an event to support the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering or other Sudanese people resisting war and genocide, get in touch and we can send you a box of the zine for free.
Below is a post we are sharing from the CNT-AIT, cut and paste from a repost by Freedom Press
Translated from Actualité de l’Anarchosyndicalisme.
Content warning: contains accounts of war crimes, including rape.
In the previous issue of Anarchosyndicalisme, the CNT-AIT echoed the call for solidarity from anarchists in Sudan.
Since a terrible war broke out on 15 April 2023 between two military factions – the Rapid Support Forces (or Janjaweed militias) against the official army – civilians have been living in a climate of “pure terror” because of a “ruthless and senseless conflict”, denounced by the UN with general indifference. At least 15,000 people have died, and more than 26,000 have been injured, but these figures are certainly underestimates.
There are 11 million internally displaced people, 1.8 million people in exile, and 18 million people at acute risk of starvation. 8 million workers have lost their jobs and their income. 70% of areas no longer have water or electricity, 75% of hospitals have been destroyed, 19 million students have stopped studying, 600 industrial plants have been destroyed and looted, as have 110 banks, 65% of agriculture has been destroyed, 80% of inputs (fertilisers, pesticides, agricultural machinery and harvesters) in the Geziera irrigated area – the largest in the world – have been looted and destroyed, etc.
The media and activist silence surrounding Sudan is allowing soldiers on both sides to commit genocide with impunity. The conflict between the two clans has many components: ethnic, with its trail of reciprocal genocides (according to the UN); “imperialist”, because each of the two opposing groups is supported by various foreign powers that covet Sudan for its natural resources and its strategic location. But above all, it is a “counter-revolutionary” war. By putting the country to fire and blood, it has crushed the hopes of the civil and democratic revolution. And drove many of the revolution’s activists into exile. By completely destabilising the country, this war has enabled the leaders of the former regime to remain in power without being tried for the crimes they committed over decades (during the military dictatorship and then the coup d’état).
The Revolutionary Committees, in which our anarchist companions participate, are trying to maintain their activity, but this is becoming increasingly difficult with the escalation of violence by the two military factions.
Following the appeal for solidarity, we received more than 1,200 euros (including 200 euros from the companions of the Kurdish-language anarchist forum, KAF), which we were able to pass on to our Sudanese companions. This solidarity enabled them to organise humanitarian distributions of blankets, hygiene products (sanitary pads, soap, toothpaste) and infant milk. A reception area for children was organised, with drawing materials and elementary classes, giving the children a chance to escape the madness of war.
But today, the situation is becoming impossible. The violence of the military groups is unleashed. The Janjaweed militias are behaving like barbarians towards civilians. They murdered our companion Sarah after raping her. For their part, the soldiers are arresting and torturing revolutionaries, accusing them of being allied with the Janjaweed. Our companions urgently need to seek shelter in neighbouring countries. We are relaying their desperate appeal to the international anarchist movement.
If you would like to make a contribution, please send cheques made payable to CNT AIT to CNT-AIT 7 rue St Rémésy 31000 TOULOUSE, or via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/cntait1
Greetings from the revolutionary comrades of Sudan to all the anarchists of the world!
After the regime attempted to destroy and dismantle the glorious December Revolution, the outbreak of the 15 April war caused the displacement of 15 million Sudanese, the suffering of the entire population, the onset of famine and the deterioration of the humanitarian situation. And now the Islamic brigades have launched campaigns targeting revolutionaries and have made numerous arrests and surrenders.
The group of Sudanese anarchists invites you to show solidarity with it so that it can continue its great liberation activity and take it up again, including from abroad.
We would like you to help us get some of our companions out of the country, where they are threatened with arbitrary arrest.
Down with the fascist military regime, down with the Janjaweed brigades!
No to the arrest of revolutionaries, No to the torture of revolutionaries!
Long live the Free Revolution of December!
You can do a lot, individually or with a few people. The important thing is to talk about Sudan so that as many people as possible are informed about what is happening there!
1) Keep up to date with the situation in Sudan via the SudfaMedia [French].
2) Send messages of solidarity to contact@cnt-ait.info, and we’ll pass them on to our fellow anarchists in Sudan.
3) Talk on social media to your family, your friends, and your work colleagues about Sudan, its revolution and the abomination of the army, the rapid forces and the Islamists. A 4-page explanation of the situation can be downloaded here [in French].
4) Organise leaflet distributions [French], press tables, solidarity collections and events in solidarity with the Sudanese people and against the massacres.
Military in barracks and militias (janjawid) must disband
No negotiation, no partnership, no haggling
Against war
Power is the power of the people
السلام والحرية والتضامن
Peace, freedom and solidarity
Let us not abandon the anarchists of Sudan! Solidarity and mutual support make us stronger!