A to-be-updated list of anti-authoritarian projects that interest us. [Anti-Authoritarian Collective or Individual projects that don’t center whiteness] We don’t share the exact same views on every issue as everyone here, they might not agree with us either… If you have a project you would like shared on here, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Presented in no particular order. Projects with an * are dormant.
Updated: 20/03/2025
No More Exclusions is a Black-led and community-based abolitionist grassroots coalition movement. Our organising centres the voices and experiences of children and young people who have experienced oppressive education and exclusion. www.nomoreexclusions.com/
daikon We are a collective of South East and East Asian women and non-binary people living within a European context. We created this zine as a platform to build community, provide space for underrepresented voices and narratives, critically examine and respond to structural inequality, and build radical and educational resources by and for South East and East Asian people of marginalised genders in the diaspora. https://daikon.co.uk/
Clash Collective A group of anti-authoritarian writers from the Caribbean https://medium.com/clash-voices-for-a-caribbean-federation-from-below
In The Belly A revolutionary abolitionist publication by and for incarcerated people and their communities. https://www.bellyzine.net/
True Leap Press is a radical publishing collective. We promote Black radical and revolutionary abolitionist intellectual struggle and advocate for the building of mass-based, autonomous projects for antiracist, anticapitalist, and antipatriarchal political education. Since 2016, we’ve edited a journal of Black critical theory, art, prose, and poetry called PROPTER NOS. https://trueleappress.wordpress.com/
BARS (Black Anarchist Radicals) [the org] are anti-authoritarian grassroots collectives of black anarchists that are committed to black liberation and radical education.
New Orlenns https://www.instagram.com/barsnola/
NYC https://www.instagram.com/blackanarchistradicals/
Haters Cafe This project is run by Black and Brown proletarians, who’ve had to deal with traumatic and horrifying encounters with the state and capital, whether it’s 12, border patrol, ICE, social services, etc. We know from our histories that their half-measures won’t lead us any closer to liberation, only the destruction of this world will! https://haters.noblogs.org/
Types A blog with a focus on critical analasis on topics from Kurdistan to Peace Policing https://types.mataroa.blog/
History Is What an archive with a focus on Indigenous Resistance. https://historyiswhat.noblogs.org/
Freedom Archives Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements.https://search.freedomarchives.org/
Pan African Workers Association A workers association for African workers aimed at improving working conditions and work possibilities in the UK. https://pawa.uk
Anarchy Live The support page for Michael Kimble, a Black, gay, anarchist prisoner imprisoned for self-defense. https://anarchylive.noblogs.org/
Brown Recluse Zine Distro is a zine distro for queer and trans folks who identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color. https://www.brownreclusezinedistro.com/
Afrofuturist Abolitionists of the Americas is a collective of revolutionaries within the Black freedom struggle and Afrikan liberation efforts, who bring a speculative vibe to their radical work. https://afanarchists.wordpress.com/what-is-an-abolition-futurist/
Indigenous Action* We are a radical autonomous crew of anti-colonial & anti-capitalist Indigenous media makers, designers, artists, writers & agitators that work together on a project by project basis for liberation for Mother Earth and all her beings. https://www.indigenousaction.org/about-2/
Indigenous Abolition Anti-Colonial & Anti-Authoritarian Indigenous Analysis + Media + Action (Mostly active on instagram.) indigenousabolition.org/
Warrior Publications, a website/blog/publishing house run by Gord Hill (Kwakwaka’wakw nation), who frequently writes under the pseudonym Zig Zag. warriorpublications.wordpress.com/about/
The Indigenous Anarchist Federation* (Federación Anarquista Indígena) works to unite the unique anarchist struggle of Indigenous people in North America. It is a platform to share indigenous anarchist ideas, struggles, philosophies, and challenges.iaffaiorg.wordpress.com/about/
Taala Hooghan Infoshop, an Indigenous Anarchist Infoshop taalahooghan.org/
Black Autonomy Federation* A Federation of Black Anarchists, formed in the 90s. http://blackautonomyfederationradio.blogspot.com/ & https://blackautonomyfederation.blogspot.com/
Black Autonomy Podcast A podcast run by JoNina Abron Ervin, Lorenzo Kom’Boa Ervin and William C. Anderson blackautonomy.libsyn.com/
闯 Chuǎng publish a journal analyzing the ongoing development of capitalism in China, its historical roots, and the revolts of those crushed beneath it. chuangcn.org
Lausan Radical left perspectives from Hong Kong, Asia, and its diasporas lausancollective.com/
Salish Sea Black Autonomists* Are an all black/New Afrikan network of Anarchists, Autonomists, and Anti-State Communists struggling in the Salish Sea region of the Pacific Northwest. https://blackautonomynetwork.noblogs.org/
lost in tha dunya. poetry & prose for burning babylon https://substack.com/@poetwavFauda An organisation of Palestinian & Israeli anarchists https://t.me/fauda_ps1
Bandilang Itim A Distro of anarchists & abolitionists in Kapuluan Archipelago https://bandilangitim.xyz/special/index
Infoshop Nepal Anarco / feminist literature is available decentralised and more accessible to radical / queer/ women / women of color! As part of a They also run a record label and host a group for Nepali women. https://infoshopnepalorg.wordpress.com/
Pear Nullak A breath of fresh fire and brimstone for the existant https://pearnuallak.com/
Palang Hitam Indonesia (The Indonesian Black Cross) is a network for information , solidarity campaigns, medical and legal assistance for the criminalization of anti-authoritarian activists https://palanghitamanarkis.noblogs.org/
アナキズム文献センター (Anarchist Literature Center) A library established in 1970 for the purpose of collecting, storing and publishing books and materials related to the idea and movement of anarchism. http://cira-japana.net/pr/
아나키스트 연대 (Anarchist Federation in South Korea) https://blog.naver.com/anarchistleague/223531201689
Khaleeji Syndicate, a Bahraini synthesis anarchist blog. khaleejisyndicate.home.blog
Bangladesh Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation https://bangladeshasf.com/
An Anarchist Called Mutt. Blog as serious as a heart attack. https://ananarchistcalledmutt.noblogs.org/
मुक्तिवादी एकता मोर्चा (MEM)* the Libertarian Unity Front is part of the International Labour Association (IWA-AIT). https://muktivadi.blackblogs.org/
Indian Anarchist Federation (IAF)* https://thecominganarchy.wordpress.com/
Food Not Bombs Thailand https://www.facebook.com/foodnotbombthailand/
RUMAH API, Ampang Selangor, Malaysia, An All Ages DIY, Collective Run, Music & Art Community Space, a community that is committed to social justice , equality , anti- authoritarianism , autonomous action , collective processes , and to develop structures and institutions operating on alternative principles. http://rumahapi.weebly.com/about.html
Haraket A’ssyan* Anarchist organisation from Tunisia https://appelsm.wordpress.com/about
البديل التحرري Alternative Libertaire* Anarchist organisation from Morroco https://www.facebook.com/ALmaroc/
Kasa Invisvels Squatted social center & network in Brazil https://kasainvisivel.org/
Voices In Movement Mexican Anti-Authoriarian News Network https://voicesinmovement.org/
Ediciones Ineditas An anti-political & anti-colonial proletarian project live from occupied tonga territory: for anarchy & communism. ineditas.noblogs.org/about/
Escurecendo o Anarquismo (Darkening Anarchism) A project to translate Black Anarchist texts into Brazilian Portuguese https://medium.com/@escurecendoanarquismo
Meo Mun* Mèo Mun, an anarchist collective working to make anarchist materials and ideas more accessible to a Vietnamese audience, together with providing an analysis of social struggles from a Vietnamese anarchist lens. https://meomun.noblogs.org/en-US/
Etniko Bandido Infoshop* An anarchist infoshop and collective in the Philipines. https://etnikobandidoinfoshop.wordpress.com/
Afropessimism: Azanian Perspective afropessimist blog from South Africa https://afropessazania1.wordpress.com/
Shado shado exists to disrupt, diversify and decolonise the current arts and media landscape through amplifying the voices of people on the frontline of social change, and connecting individuals and organisations which might otherwise have been working in siloes.https://shado-mag.com/
Malik Speaks The supporter page for Black, Muslim, Queer Anarchist prisoner Malik Farrad Muhammad https://malikspeaks.noblogs.org/about-malik/
azn h8r A blog out of occupied Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory. https://asianhater.noblogs.org/